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Physiotherapy is an effective way to restore your body’s movement and function if you have been injured from an accident, playing sports, or are rehabilitating from a degenerative condition that causes dysfunctional movement.

Physiotherapy is a recognized healthcare procedure that uses non-surgical methods. It uses a wide range of techniques like exercise therapy, gait balance, coordination re-training, and manual manipulations, as well as electrotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasound, and more.

We Will Get You Back on Your Feet

Our physiotherapists are licensed professionals whose goal is not only to improve your health condition, but also to determine the root of the problem, treat it, and give you tools and advice on how to protect yourself from issues in the future.

Physiotherapy Neck Traction Treatment

Nevertheless, to maximize the effectiveness of physiotherapy, the patient must be actively involved in the process. Results can be achieved much more quickly if an individual feels empowered and participates in his/her treatment.

What health issues can physiotherapy resolve?

Physiotherapy is a universal rehabilitation method that helps people of all ages manage pain or prevent a disease. A variety of programs and methods allow you to improve your physical state and minimize the risk of the following health problems:

  • Back and neck pain

  • Foot and ankle pain

  • Elbow and wrist pain

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries

  • Post-operative or post-injury care

  • Postural dysfunction

  • Repetitive strain injuries Rehab & Wellness Clinic prides itself on providing high-quality therapy sessions that have been proven to be effective. Our practitioners are dedicated to helping our patients gain full freedom of movement and return to their pre-injury status as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking for a professional and reliable physiotherapist in Toronto and GTA, contact us or book online below. We would be happy to answer all of your questions and schedule an appointment right away at the most convenient time for you. Rehab & Wellness Clinic | 2221 Keele St., Suite 302 | North York, Toronto | 416-759-8099

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